La Flèche Breeding Program

The La Flèche, French: Poule de La Flèche, is a rare French breed of dual-purpose domestic chicken. It originates from the Sarthe département, in the Pays de la Loire region, and is named for the town and commune of La Flèche in that area, not far from the capital of the Sarthe, Le Mans. The breed was once famous for the fine quality its meat; since the Second World War, numbers have fallen very low.

We first encountered this breed at a small farm in Cleveland Texas of all places, literally 10 miles from us!  The gentleman breeding them was showing them and winning at State Poultry Shows.  He gave me eggs to hatch and off we started on a new idea!!!  We are building our flock and will soon be able to sell chicks and help bring back the breed.  Stay tuned!!!!